This campaign school has already taken place.

Brought to you by popular demand, this 2-hour pop-up will focus on Building Your Campaign Team + Fundraising. This course is designed for those who are already committed to putting their name on the ballot. Learn about the different roles, where to find them, and volunteer management. Hear about some of the different ways to fundraise! 

The pop-up will take place online using Zoom and in English only. To participate, you will require access to the internet, a microphone, and a web camera.
Closed-captioning will be available.


We are delighted that thanks to the generosity of donors to the Equal Voice Foundation we are able to offer this campaign training at no charge to participants. To continue to offer the course for free, we invite you to make a donation to the Equal Voice Foundation.

However, unfortunately in the past we have had participants sign up and not attend sessions.  As we keep the group small for optimal learning, and have a waitlist, people who register and don’t attend are denying a spot to someone on the waitlist.  Therefore, it is important to make sure you are committed to the sessions before you decide to sign up.

**Due to capacity limits, we will be closing applications after a certain number of registrations. If you wish to participate in a future Campaign School, please RSVP or email [email protected] to be added to the waitlist and someone will contact you should more spots become available.**



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