The objective of this project is to increase awareness and knowledge around sexual harassment in the political sector and provide politicians and their staff working within legislatures, with resource materials, best practices, and knowledge to combat sexual harassment within legislatures.

The project developed, adapted, updated and disseminated resources, policies, and procedures on best practices surrounding sexual harassment in the workplace and ways to access avenues of resolution when dealing with a case.


Check out this PLEAC webinar on Combatting sexual harassment in legislatures featuring our Executive Director, Chi Nguyen:


Check out our findings below:

Combatting Sexual Harassment in Canada’s Legislative Assemblies

With funding from Justice Canada, this three-year involved research, surveys, interviews, legal analysis, and secondary research.
 Key findings and recommendations are primarily directed towards provincial and territorial legislative assemblies. These recommendations aim to enhance policies, training, and initiatives to prevent and respond to sexual harassment.


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Funded by the Government of Canada

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