This event has already taken place.

Over the past two years, Equal Voice and the Equal Voice Foundation have seen tremendous improvements to gender representation at all levels of government across Canada. Notably, achieving near gender parity in the BC legislature, and reaching 30% of women MPs in the House of Commons. While we have been unable to celebrate these accomplishments over the last two years, we are finally excited to celebrate these milestones and the contributions that women in politics have made to improve the lives of Canadians.

In partnership with Equal Voice BC, the Equal Voice Foundation is hosting an in-person reception to celebrate the triumph of women politicians in BC and recognize all the steps that we've made towards gender parity.


Stanley Park Brewing Restaurant & Brewpub
8901 Stanley Park Dr, Vancouver, BC

Why Sponsor?

  • Support leading efforts to close the gender gap in politics 
  • As a Reception Sponsor, your brand and corporate commitment will be seen by key target audiences
  • Join Equal Voice Foundation supporters including: national, provincial, territorial and municipal politicians, Equal Voice Foundation members, and policy influencers from coast-to-coast-to-coast


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